Thursday, December 2, 2010 @ boring day ever!
today i thought that i could meet boyf but couldn't because he woke up late. he had to meet ariffin at admiralty at 1pm. but he woke up 12plus. -..- i'm sad because he said he couldn't meet me today. besides that, i have nothing to do at home since i'm not going anywhere. he told me to go out with my friends but not in the mood. some more i have no money. what for go out right?? so basically the whole day i'm just watching television, eat, using computer. i think that's all. see told you it's a boring day ever! i won't be able to msg boyf because my pp8 is getting low. and some more since 4.25pm he messaged me telling that he is busy and will be texting me when he's free. but until now my phone is so silent. :( wonder what he's doing now. i know he's busy working but busy with what eh?? hais.. i'm bored! nobody to chat with. not to worry tomorrow i'll be going out with boyf and friends. going to vivo and etc because he wants to buy a jacket and some more stuffs. so jyeah! can't wait! am wearing my new so called dress that i've bought it with my mum tomorrow! yeay! k bye!


Sunday, November 28, 2010 @
baek ar! aku nk delete laen bnde laen yg aku delete. da aku nye blog cm ape! taik betol! da ar mls aku nk btl kn balek! majok ar!


@ moshi moshi
hey! its been months i didn't update. too busy to update since i had to prepare for my N levels. so far, i'm doing great in my N levels. luckily it's do-able. wishing to get distinctions in all of my subjects but not really for my geography because i screwed up on that paper due to the last minute my mind is blank. all of the questions were kinda straightforward but unfortunately i didn't get to answer it very well because i FORGET!! wasted i tell you! haiya! should not have studied geography one week before the N level. regretted it so much! but nehmind. still looking forward for the rest of my papers though. i heard that the N level results will be on the 17 of december. but some were not so sure so just wait for people to update their status at facebook or i should read newspapers or watch the news on the television. yeay! can't wait to get my N level results yaww!! DISTINCTIONS BEHBEY!! HERE I COME!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010 @
boring ke per idop
matae ke mane, kwn ke mane
results pon entah ke mane
okay stop
mifzal gy riding ngn kwn2 dier
aku pat uma cm no life gitu
dri tdi asyik tgk tv, gy fb dgn chat jer

my prelim 1 results kn very the bad i tell u
sumer nyer sal careless mistakes
sal careless mistakes nyer psl aku byk fail
i mean sumer nyer just pass
border line sia
padehal sumer questions direct nk mmps
and very senang
benci ar gini
malay walaopon pass tpi for me its not up to my own expectations
kebykkn pon sal careless and wasted i tell u !!

hopefully for my prelim 2 i pass larh ehk
and its a MUST PASS !!
k larh itu jer
mau maen game pat fb

Monday, April 5, 2010 @ building sandcastle at SENTOSA

today the 4NA's , 4NT's , 5NA's went to sentosa to build sandcastles
we went to palawan beach
it was a very long trip
when we reach there it was realli damn hot
den we had to walk all the way to the palawan beach
it was realli tiring bcz it was a long walk
when we reach there each class had to go to one shade and put our belongings there
later, we were brief by our form teachers to divide into 4 groups
the 4 leaders were in charge of bringing the equipments for building the sandcastle
then, it is time for us to build the sandcastle
i realli cant stand the sun bcz it was realli realli hot
i felt lyk my skin were burning and roasted alrdy
and i tink i'm getting darker and darker
eventhough we were told to put on sunblock it was of no use bcz i get sun burn
my cheeks are red
very painful i tell u
my legs are cramp frm walking and running to and fro on the sand
but luckily we finished doing our sandcastle
eventhough it didnt turn out the way we wanted, at least it was a job done
most of us cant wait to go home bcz we cant stand the sun
then, pack our things and walk to the nearest toilet to wash up and change our clothes
aftr dat, we had to walk to take our bus
most of us slept inside the bus
we were all so tired of building the sandcastle
i was relieved dat i reached sch bcz i get to go home and bathe and SLEEP !
okay the end
bye bye